Cecilia is a senior associate in our merger and acquisitions practice group, with ample expertise in cross-border transactions. Her work is mainly focused in mergers and acquisitions and corporate law issues. She has advised foreign clients in developing their business in Mexico as well as in mergers and acquisitions transactions.
She obtained her law degree (JD) from the Faculty of Law of the Monterrey Institute of Technology on December 2013, where she graduated with honors and was granted the Ceneval award for excellence. Cecilia studied international law at the University of Berkeley in California in 2013, anti-bribery and compliance practices at Escuela Libre de Derecho in 2016 and obtained a Masters in Law (LL.M.) degree from Harvard Law School in 2019, after being awarded with the Fulbright scholarship. She successfully approved the New York State Bar Exam.
Cecilia participates as professor of Law at the Faculty of Law of the Monterrey Institute of Technology and has been coordinator of the Corporate Commission of ANADE.